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Ref.: Lot_4 - Mixed samples_4 - Tiefenstein quarry

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Mixed samples_4 - Tiefenstein quarry

36,60 €


(All prices include VAT at the current legal rate)


Locality:  Tiefenstein quarry 
Size: 3 x 4 cm plastic boxes
Description: Lot of 8 samples from Tifenstein quarry.
Included minerals are:
dolomite, calcite, fluorite, marcasite, pyrite, strontianite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena.


Tiefenstein quarry, Görwihl, Wadshut-Tiengen, Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany



The city of Tiefenstein is located in the S Albtal in the Alb and is a district of Görwihl in the Hotzenwald. A small quarry on L 154 (Albtalstrasse) opposite the town of Tiefenstein. The other large quarry is located at K 6547 after this town.


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