
Request for Informations

Ref.: MIX_0544 - Linarite - King Arthur mine

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Linarite - King Arthur mine

12,20 €


(All prices include VAT at the current legal rate)


Locality: King Arthur mine
Size: 0,6 x 1,0 x 1,0 cm
Description:  Nice linarite sample with lots of crystals.


King Arthur Mine, Arriana, Rhodope, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Greece

An ore mining place (dumps from a Cu-Pb-Zn adit) associated with the Kirki mines.

Most of the secondary minerals (Linarite, Cerussite, Caledonite, Brochantite, Leadhillite etc.) collected from the Kirki mines in recent years originate from the dumps of this locality.

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