
Request for Informations

Ref.: MIX_0070 - Wickenburgite and mimetite - Evening Star mine

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Wickenburgite and mimetite - Evening Star mine

15,25 €


(All prices include VAT at the current legal rate)


Locality: Evening Star mine
Size: 1,4 x 2,7 x 1,6 cm
Description:  Nice and rich wickenburgite sample with lots of perfect crystals associated to orange mimetite.


Evening Star Mine (Silver Queen Mine; Old Queen group), Tiger Wash, Tonopah, Osborn Mining District, Maricopa County, Arizona, USA


A former underground Cu-V-Pb-Au-Ag-W mine located in the SE¼ sec. 7, T4N, R9W. (Big Horn Mountains 15 minute topo map).

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